Photo Credit - Chris Robart
The David Dunlap Observatory is Canada's largest optical telescope with a primary mirror measuring more than 1.88 metres (74 inches) in diameter. Constructed in the 1930s, the Observatory is located in the heart of Richmond Hill, Ontario. The building is 18.6 metres (61 feet) in diameter and the rotating dome weighs 73 metric tons. The telescope itself weighs 21 metric tons (without its primary mirror).
The RASC, Toronto Centre is a proud program partner providing astronomical programming at the DDO. The following programs are offered:
Summer Evening Tours - Astronomy Speaker Nights, Astronomy-Themed Family Nights, and Special Events
A range of public talks and family events are scheduled for summer weekends. Tours are held Saturday evenings from May to October. Guests will spend approximately two hours at the observatory, with time divided between the DDO Admin Building, the 74” Dome, and lawn telescopes (weather permitting).
Astronomy Program for Girl Guides of Canada
This program is tailored to the various Girl Guide age groups and satisfies the merit badge requirements for Astronomy, Space Science, and Astronomy-related outdoor components for each age group. Programs are available for: Sparks (5-6), Brownies (7-8), Guides (9-11), Pathfinders (12-14) and Rangers (15-17). For secondary-school-aged students, the program will also support requirements for Science as laid out in the Ontario Curriculum. Students will leave the presentation with a craft project, a Moon Gazers guide, or a Star Finder, as appropriate for the age group. Visit DDO Programs to book your group.
Astronomy Program for Boy Scouts of Canada
This program is tailored to the various Boy Scout age groups and satisfies the merit badge requirements for Astronomy, Space Science, and Astronomy-related outdoor components for each age group. Some content for these Scout programs is borrowed from Scouts Canada merit badges. Programs are available for: Beavers (5-7), Cubs (8-10), Scouts (11-14), Venturers (15-17) and Rovers (18-26). Students will leave the presentation with a craft project, a Moon Gazers guide, or a Star Finder as appropriate for the age group. Visit DDO Programs to book your group.
Astronomy Program for School Groups
This program is designed to meet the Grade 3, Grade 6, Grade 9, and Grade 12 Ontario Curriculum requirements for Earth and Space, Science, and Astronomy units at those grade levels, for both academic and applied streams. Programs can also be tailored to students from other grade levels (from SK to 12). We welcome students from all school boards, private schools and home-schooling groups. Students will leave the presentation with a craft project, a Moon Gazers guide, or a Star Finder as appropriate for the age group. Visit DDO Programs to book your group.
The RASC, Toronto Centre, in collaboration with the City of Richmond Hill, the David Dunlap Observatory Defenders, Ylab Maker Space, and Western University, supports Canada's astronomy legacy.

See our DDO directions page for location information.