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22 September

Autumnal Equinox

The earth's axis is perpendicular to its orbit with the North pole tipping away form the sun. In other words, the season is changing to Fall.
26 February

Annular solar eclipse

Annular Eclipse in parts of Africa and South America. See:…
21 December

Winter Solstice

Longest night, shortest day
20 March

Vernal Equinox

Day and night are equally long
8 March

Total solar eclipse

Total solar eclipse
20 June

Summer Solstice - 6:34pm EDT

Longest day, shortest night.
4 January

Quadrantid Meteors

Meteor Shower
12 August

Perseid meteors

Meteor Shower
16 September

Penumbral lunar eclipse

Penumbral lunar eclipse
23 March

Penumbral lunar eclipse

Penumbral lunar eclipse