Each year the RASC, Toronto Centre recognizes the contributions of our members to the operation of the Centre, to the promotion of astronomy in the community, to observing programs and to the development of astronomical equipment.
The RASC, Toronto Centre awards formally recognize and thank those individuals who have made significant contributions to the Centre in one of these areas:
The Charline Norgrove Award is presented annually to up to 3 members who have made one or more of the following significant contributions to RASC, Toronto Centre:
Have successfully communicated astronomy concepts to the general public by volunteering to assist in any capacity as needed at Toronto Centre outreach events by welcoming guests, answering their questions and sharing information about the Toronto Centre.
Have inspired and encouraged new members to develop their interest in astronomy by welcoming them to meetings and events, offering helpful advice and/or technical guidance about equipment and generally making them feel part of the astronomy community.
Have encouraged and supported ongoing learning among members by preparing and offering presentations at Recreational Astronomy Night meetings, and/or taking a leadership role in planning and implementing new ideas that benefit members.
The Andrew Elvins Award is for members whose efforts have contributed significantly to the promotion of interest in astronomy and the Society among the general public.
The Bertram J. Topham Award goes to members who have made significant contributions to the observing activities of the Centre or carried out observing programs of a significant and well-defined nature.
The Jesse Ketchum Award is presented to members who have done considerable work in the construction and/or application of equipment suitable for astronomical observation.
The Ray Thompson Award for Astronomical Imaging is presented to the member or members who have done exceptional work in astroimaging including CCD, film, sketching and other techniques.
In addition to these awards, the Centre also presents the Bert Winearls Award annually to recognize exceptional service to the Centre and the Ostrander-Ramsay Award for astronomical writing. The Bert Winearls Award is made at the discretion of the President and the Ostrander-Ramsay Award at the discretion the SCOPE Editor.
See the list of previous award recipients.
The award year runs from January 1st to December 31st. If you wish to nominate a member for the Norgrove, Elvins, Topham, Ketchum or Thompson awards, please prepare a written nomination including information as to why you feel the individual(s) merit(s) consideration for the award in question. Each nomination must include the support of an additional member. Nominations may be given directly to any member of Centre Council or submitted by email to nominations@rascto.ca. The deadline for award nominations is September 15 of each year.
Recommendations for the Winearls and the Ostrander-Ramsay awards may be made to the President (president@rascto.ca) and SCOPE Editor (scopeeditor@rascto.ca) respectively.
If you have any questions, please contact Ralph Chou (nominations@rascto.ca).
Please help us recognize those who you feel have put forward excellent efforts as members of the RASC, Toronto Centre!