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Video: The Sky This Month for November 11 - December 9, 2020

Denis Grey takes us through this coming month's astronomy highlights, bringing attention to one of his special interest in astronomy; that is, an excellent occultation happening in the upcoming month.

RASC National Society Video: The Stars Belong to Everyone: Gender and Sexual Diversity in Astronomy

The RASC Inclusivity and Diversity Committee presents a profile of gender-diverse members of the astronomy and astrophysics communities.

Video: Frank Dempsey's 12.5 inch Telescope Build Update

On November 12, 2020, Frank Dempsey gave an online presentation to the Recreational Astronomy Night Meeting of the RASC, Toronto Centre about his progress in building a 12.5-inch mirror for his telescope project.

Video: SkyShed and Beyond with Wayne Parker

Wayne Parker, the proprietor of, presents an overview and background on how he and his company have come to supply thousands of SkyShed plans and observatories to astronomers around the world.

Video: DDO Astronomy Night: Unravelling the Mysterious Fast Radio Burst with CHIME

Dr. Cherry Ng is a post-doctoral researcher at the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics. During her PhD study, she discovered 60 rapidly-spinning neutron stars with the Parkes Radio Telescope in Australia.

2019 Awards Citations

2019 RASC Toronto Centre Award Recipients

Ontario Science Centre Video: Halloween Virtual Star Party

Are you ready to be bewitched? Join us for spellbinding stargazing at our Halloween Virtual Star Party! For the first time since 1944, a full Moon will light the Halloween sky.

RASC National Society Videos: Explore the Universe

Did you know The RASC has observing certificate programs? If you see specific astronomical objects, you can receive a certificate and pin for your accomplishments!

Video: Water, water everywhere? with Paul Delaney

Our understanding of our own solar system has changed significantly since the advent of spacecraft exploration. Water was once believed very scarce in our corner of the galaxy but we now realize this is not the case.

Information for the 2020 Annual Meeting

Information for the 2020 Annual Meeting

This members-only page contains information regarding the upcoming Annual Meeting of the RASC Toronto Centre.

The Sky This Month: October 14 to November 10, 2020

The attached PDF contain the notes for The Sky This Month presentation by Arnold Brody, delivered at the RASC Toronto Centre Recreational Astronomy Night Meeting on October 14, 2020. Watch the recorded video:

Video: Planetary Imaging with Claudio Oriani

Ever wondered how to convert your fuzzy planetary videos into nice clear planetary images? Claudio Oriani shows us how to do it and what programs we would need to use.

Video: Physically Distanced Astrophotography of Michael Watson

Even in the world of a pandemic, Michael Watson continues to enjoy his pursuit of astrophotography. He showed his recent physically distanced work at the October 14, 2020 Recreational Astronomy Night meeting.

RASC National Society Videos: Self-Isolation Star Parties

Do you miss those wonderful Star Parties hosted by RASC, where you get to look at the night sky and learn about what's up there? We do too! That's why we're hosting online star parties!

Videos: DDO Mars Madness

These presentations were recorded as part of the David Dunlap Observatory Mars Madness online event held on October 11 and 12th, 2020 and produced by RASC, Toronto Centre.