Video: Deep Space Astrophotography with Trevor Jones from
Trevor Jones, from and astrobackyard YouTube channel, takes us through the different methods he uses to capture deep sky objects (DSOs).
Trevor Jones, from and astrobackyard YouTube channel, takes us through the different methods he uses to capture deep sky objects (DSOs).
John Percy just celebrated his 60th year as a member of the RASC, Toronto Centre! Congratulations, John! In addition, he is Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
We're back with our next online observing program! This time we'll be bringing you the Explore the Moon Observing Program. Anyone can join as we dive into craters and climb mountain ranges on our nearest neighbour.
Chris Vaughan takes us on a tour of the upcoming highlights in the night sky, such as interesting targets to look at on the moon, the coming partial solar eclipse, and deep sky objects.
The attached PDF contains the note for The Sky This Month presented by Chris Vaughan during the Recreational Astronomy Night Meeting on June 2, 2021.
Have you ever wondered what you or other people could do if we learn that an asteroid is predicted to hit the earth?
Have you ever wanted to pursue your passion for astrophotography, escape the light polluted skies of the big city and build an observatory in the country? Well, Stuart Heggie did just that!
Andy Beaton, a popular presenter for the Sky This Month, finally got back into the saddle for the May 2021 online version.
The optical surfaces of all modern quality astronomical instruments are either coated and/or oiled-spaced with extremely thin layers of metallic/dielectric or liquid materials to improve optical performance.
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is operating a robotic telescope from the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California.
The period of 18 to 24 April 2021 is National Volunteer Week. RASC Toronto Centre is supported by a great number of generous and helpful volunteers.
Blake Nancarrow steps up to give us the Sky This Month for April 2021.
Ron Macnaughton presents a fascinating perspective on the work of Nora Noffke and the significance of Microbial Mats in the exploration of the possibility of life on Mars.
As you get older and your eyesight is diminishing or light pollution is encroaching on your neighbourhood and you are not getting as much out of astronomy anymore, is there an alternative? Yes, there is!
Mercury is at its best for 2021 in late April, early May. Jupiter and Saturn are in the pre-dawn morning sky. For Apr-May 2021, we'll follow the meridian from south to north for an excellent sampler of deep sky objects.