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26 October

UofT Planetarium: The Life and Death of Stars (SOLD OUT)

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:10pm The stars in the night sky seem unchanging and eternal, and have remained the same for the history of human civilization. However, over millions and billions of years, new stars are born, live out their long lives, and eventually die in a blaze of glory. In this show, we will be exploring the lives of stars by visiting stellar nurseries, supernova remnants and much more!
25 October

Perimeter Institute: Jocelyn Bell Burnell: A special public lecture webcast

Jocelyn Bell Burnell, winner of the 2018 Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, is an accomplished scientist and champion for women in physics. As a graduate student in 1967, she co-discovered pulsars, a breakthrough widely considered one of the most important scientific advances of the 20th century. When the discovery of pulsars was recognized with the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics, the award went to her graduate advisor.
24 October

Speaker's Night: History of the Hubble Space Telescope

Watch the recorded video:
24 October

Aurora Public Library: The Milky Way

Join Ian Wheelband of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada for this engaging presentation, followed by a telescope viewing of the night sky (weather permitting).
20 October
20 October

DDO Family Lecture Night - Observe the Moonlight (WAITLIST)

International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) is a NASA-hosted annual worldwide public event that aims to celebrate our appreciation and understanding of Earth's nearest neighbour through art, culture, and science. Join us as we celebrate InOMN at the David Dunlap Observatory. We are planning a range of activities geared for all age-groups including a short talk on the role of lunar missions in understanding the Moon better, Moon viewings through telescopes, and craft activities for children.
20 October

CAO 2018 Fall Work Party

This year’s Fall Work Party will take place from October 20-21, 2018. More details will be announced as we get closer to the date.
18 October

City Star Party (GO for Thursday)

Hover above the moon like an astronaut and get eye-to-eye with the planets. Find colourful stars, star clusters, bright nebulae and even another galaxy. Our monthly City Star Party is the place to catch universe from within the city limits at Bayview Village Park. If you don't have a telescope then you will find many astronomers who would love to share a view. If you are thinking of buying a telescope, viewing with other people's equipment is the best way to make a good choice. If you have a telescope or binoculars, please bring it!
18 October

Toronto Space Apps Challenge 2018 Hackathon

On the weekend of October 19th - 21st 2018, developers, makers, engineers and entrepreneurs will take on NASA-designed challenges, creating solutions that range from silly to serious, fantastical to feasible. Build a team, pick a challenge, and leverage your access to an extraordinary roster of mentors featuring past and present astronauts, aerospace engineers, and designers.
15 October

York University Observatory: Orionid Meteor Shower (first clear weeknight)

Come view the 2018 Orionid Meteor Shower with the Allan I. Carswell Observatory Team at York University! With up to 15 meteors visible every hour, multiple telescopes available for viewing celestial objects and a constellation tour, it will be a fun, astronomy filled night! Weather updates will be posted by 4:00pm on social media. Hope to see you there!
13 October

OSC: Space Unites The World Star Party

The red planet and the ringed gas giant are waiting for you among the stars. In celebration of World Space Week, observe Mars and Saturn* up close through a telescope. Launch a bottle rocket. Meet a real-life rocket scientist. Enjoy a special screening of the Journey To Space IMAX® film. World Space Week celebrates scientists and space explorers from around the globe whose work has helped humankind. This year, the theme is “Space Unites The World.”
12 October