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6 October

UofT Planetarium: The Life and Death of Stars (SOLD OUT)

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:10pm The stars in the night sky seem unchanging and eternal, and have remained the same for the history of human civilization. However, over millions and billions of years, new stars are born, live out their long lives, and eventually die in a blaze of glory. In this show, we will be exploring the lives of stars by visiting stellar nurseries, supernova remnants and much more!
4 October

UofT AstroTour: 90 Degrees South: Astronomy at the End of the World

The South Pole, one of Earth’s most isolated outposts, is alive with science. And it's here where you'll find the 10-metre South Pole Telescope (SPT) observing the oldest light in our Universe, the Cosmic Microwave Background—light emitted just after the Big Bang. In 2016, a next-generation microwave camera, SPT-3G, was installed on the telescope. This camera is allowing astronomers to map out the Cosmic Microwave Background in more detail than ever before, providing new information on clusters of galaxies, cosmic inflation, and particle physics. 
3 October

Perimeter Institute: The Event Horizon Telescope (WEBCAST)

Dr. Avery Broderick will provide a highly accessible and interesting lecture on the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and international efforts to interpret horizon-resolving images of numerous supermassive black holes.
29 September

OSC: Nuit Blanche 2018 - STEAM-Powered Stories

Enter into a world where science, technology, engineering, art and math collide to create STEAM-Powered Stories. Take in and create new narratives through interactive experiences. You’ll quickly see the potential for STEAM to fuel creativity. STEAM-Powered Stories is a free event. During Nuit Blanche Toronto, select areas of the Ontario Science Centre are open to the public. Parking is $10 (member discount applies) before 12:00am, and parking is free after 12:00am. Food and beverages are available for purchase.
29 September

SYSTEM Sounds: Nuit Blanche 2018 - One Sky

On Saturday September 29th from 7:00pm to 7:00am, experience the universe through new eyes and new ears with One Sky, a Nuit Blanche Toronto installation. This exhibition created by astrophysicist-musician Matt Russo and SYSTEM Sounds, and presented by the Dunlap Institute. With One Sky, you’ll enjoy a sunrise to sunset, multi-sensory experience of the celestial sphere.
28 September

RASC Mississauga: Under Southern Skies

In this talk and slide show, Michael Watson will discuss his recent month-long trip to Australia, which included several nights of stargazing and astrophotography from the dark skies of the Australian Outback. He will talk about how he prepared for the trip, the equipment that he took, and how he produced the photos that you will see. His astrophotos will be interspersed with photos of some of the sights from around the Land Down Under.
26 September

Speaker's Night: The Dark Universe

Watch the recorded video:
26 September

ASX Star Talk: Astronomical Alchemy

Calling all space enthusiasts! Come on down to ASX's first Star Talk of the school year on Wednesday, September 26th where U of T astrophysicist Dr. Maria R. Drout will be illuminating the origins of all the elements in the universe!
26 September

UofT Planetarium: The Life and Death of Stars (SOLD OUT)

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:10pm The stars in the night sky seem unchanging and eternal, and have remained the same for the history of human civilization. However, over millions and billions of years, new stars are born, live out their long lives, and eventually die in a blaze of glory. In this show, we will be exploring the lives of stars by visiting stellar nurseries, supernova remnants and much more!
23 September

Soapbox Science 2018 Toronto

Last year we introduced Soapbox Science to North America and we couldn’t be more excited for this year’s Toronto event! Our organizing team is preparing for another fabulous day in September at Toronto’s Word on the Street Festival. What better way to promote science in the streets than at a literacy street festival? Last year we engaged hundreds of families along Toronto’s Harbourfront; they were surprised and delighted to have the chance to meet our scientists in person and learn about their research.
22 September
22 September

DDO Speaker Night (WAITLIST)

This weekend program provides visitors with an opportunity to listen to an astronomy talk and enjoy stargazing. Visitors will spend time in both the main building and observatory visiting the 1.88m (74") telescope, learning its history and getting to see celestial objects firsthand (weather permitting).