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25 February

DDO: Up In The Sky (Online)

Join us from the comfort of your home as we discuss about what exciting celestial events to look for each season.
15 February

Speaker's Night: “10 Years (and counting) of Curiosity” (ONLINE)

Come join Alex Innanen as they cover a brief history of Curiosity’s mission, highlight some of its exciting findings, and discuss the challenges of working remotely on another planet.
10 February

U of T ASX 19th Annual Symposium: Life (Not) As We Know It

Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Are there planets that can support life? Get your answers and more at our symposium on extraterrestrial life
5 February

DDO: Planetarium Day

Enter a Digital Portable Planetarium and take a journey through the universe led by a DDO astronomer. We’ll tour the night sky, travel through space, and see immersive full dome movies. The unscripted format will allow guests to experience a variety of topics. Ask our astronomer questions and see the answers in a planetarium setting. Please note that all guests will sit on a clean floor. A registered adult must accompany all registered participants under the age of 16.
4 February

Speaker's Night: Mapping Our Universe in Millimeter: What Have We Learned?

Dr.Guan will walk through how mapping the sky in millimeter has significantly advanced our knowledge of the universe, ranging from its early history and fundamental building blocks, to the magnetic field morphology of our galaxy.
3 February

Chris Hadfield's Generator 2023 (POSTPONED)

Comedians! Scientists! Celebrities! Musicians! Canada’s most celebrated astronaut hosts the world’s most impressive, funny, and talented people. Afghan heroes, British robotics experts, Hollywood actors, Australian corpse farmers or even a pair of Spanish cyborgs, you never know who’s going to show up. Now in its sixth sell-out year, it guarantees to be a wild return. It’s fun, it’s intelligent, it’s the best night in the city. You don’t want to miss it.
1 February

Recreational Astronomy Night

This meeting will be IN PERSON at the Ontario Science Centre and ON LINE as well. Join us for our monthly recreational astronomy night meeting. This is where our members get to show their latest projects or give tutorials and tips on just about everything to do with astronomy.
29 January

DDO: Sunday Sungazing (Online)

David Dunlap Observatory (DDO)  
28 January

DDO: Up In The Sky (Online)

David Dunlap Observatory (DDO) 
26 January

Dr. Brian Greene: Beyond the Stars

A Journey to the Edge of Space, Time, and Meaning: An Evening with Brian Greene
18 January

Speaker's Night: The dim and empty places: unveiling the nature of the universe in spectacularly modest environments (ONLINE)

Speaker Info: L. Arielle Phillips, PhD, Associate Dean College of Science Associate, Professor of the Practice of Physics and Astronomy, University of Notre Dame