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22 April

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Q-2 (ONLINE)

We have our first day of finding lunar landing locations! Moon at Noon cohost John loves the Apollo missions, so you bet we'll be talking about Apollo 12 and 14.
29 April

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Troubleshooting (ONLINE)

We'll be taking a pause on targets today to talk about any observing problems you may be tackling.
6 May

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Q3 and Q4 (ONLINE)

For the first time in this series, we'll be looking for the Moon in the morning (or really late at night, if you're a night owl).
13 May

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Q0 (ONLINE)

We have a whopping 19 targets to cover this session, so we will spend lots of time focusing on how to find them!
20 May

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Q1 (ONLINE)

We have some niche topics today, including how to use math and your own photos of the Moon to measure the depth of craters.
27 May

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Q-1 (ONLINE)

Today's targets will be more morning observations, and include the Apollo 16 landing site!
3 June

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Q5 and Q6 (ONLINE)

Next week there will be a partial solar eclipse! In some places it'll even be an annular eclipse. We'll be spending this session talking about eclipses.
10 June

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Q-2 (ONLINE)

It's Apollo day! Finally, we get the chance to find both the first and last Apollo landing sites. Bring your questions about the Moon landings! We encourage you to share any annular eclipse photos you may have gotten from this morning as well.
17 June

RASC National Society: The Moon At Noon - Review and Apply (ONLINE)

Did you manage to find all the targets? We'll go over everything you need to know to apply for your pin and observing certificate! Who doesn't love a pin and certificate?
21 September

SkyNews: Subs and Stars: Lesson 1 (ONLINE)

Trying to get started in astroimage editing, but not sure where to begin? Join us for Subs and Stars, an eight-part instructional online series that teaches people how astrophotos are built and edited. Hosted by Canadian astrophotographer Paul Owen and SkyNews editor-in-chief Allendria Brunjes, this tutorial is the first stop for beginners learning how to process deep-sky images.