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1 April

RCI & York University: Particle Fever

A free screening of the critically-acclaimed documentary, Particle Fever, followed by a question and answer period with York university researchers Wendy Taylor and Sean Tulin. Then, walk over to the York University Observatory to do a little research of your own with the observatory's telescopes.
19 March

ASX Star Talk: The Night Sky in Ancient Egypt

Sarah Symons, Assistant Professor, McMaster University.
28 March

UofT AstroTour: Earth Hour 2015 - Lights OFF Universe ON

Come explore our precious place in the Cosmos featuring a talk by new Dunlap Institute Director Bryan Gaensler, planetarium shows, telescope observing, astronomy activities and exhibits, and a Chat with an Astronomer reception. Schedule•5:40 – 6:40 – Planetarium Shows (15 minutes each)•6:00 – 7:00 – Reception in the Earth Sciences Building Lobby•7:00 – 8:00 – Talk by Bryan Gaensler•8:00 – 8:15 – Post-Talk & Time to Walk to the Telescopes•8:15 – 10:00 – Telescope Observing, Activities, & Refreshments•8:30 – 9:30 – Earth Hour!
18 June

Beaches Library: Exoplanets and the Quest for Extraterrestrial Biology

Amaury Triaud, whose research has led to the confirmation of 48 new nearby exoplanetary systems, discusses how one finds a planet and the techniques that will soon tell us whether life forms have arisen on planets outside our solar system. What's Out There? Lectures in Astronomy presented in collaboration with the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics.
16 March

Fort York Library: March Break: Kerbal Space Program

Start your own space program and reach to the stars! Kerbal Space Program is an award winning game that teaches players real-world physics and engineering skills as they attempt to explore the Kerbal solar system. Players assist the lovable-but-hapless Kerbals as they build rockets and carry out orbital missions. In the end players learn the difficulties NASA and ESA face when traveling to the stars. This multi day program will start out with a tutorial, and then attempt a mission to the moon or even another planet.
10 April

Hamilton Amateur Astronomers: New Horizons; Space Exploration Today

There was a time when young men and women stood on a shore and looked out to the horizon, imaging what new lives a ship might transport them to. They imagined new sights, new wonders and in their minds they imagined new worlds. This summer, after travelling a decade through the dark and quiet of space, a small craft that bears a name that recalls these brave people, will truly see a new world. The New Horizons spacecraft will give us our first look at Pluto as just one of the many amazing sights that are in store for us in this golden age of space exploration.
28 April

RASC Mississauga: Riverwood Public Observing Night

Explore the universe with members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Large telescopes will be set up to give you amazing views of our Moon, the planets and more! Meet at the Chappell House Lawn. In case skies are not suitable for star-gazing on the scheduled date, the event will take place on Wednesday, April 29 at the same time.
24 March

RASC Mississauga: Riverwood Public Observing Night

Explore the universe with members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Large telescopes will be set up to give you amazing views of our Moon, the planets and more! Meet at the Chappell House Lawn. In case skies are not suitable for star-gazing on the scheduled date, the event will take place on Wednesday, March 25 at the same time.
2 May

York Woods Library: Listening for Black Holes: Einstein's Unfinished Symphony

Kipp Cannon is a Senior Research Associate at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics. His research is in the field of gravitational wave astronomy, which is the use of minute warps in space and time to learn about the collisions of black holes and other compact objects deep in the universe. He is a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and is the Principle Investigator for the Canadian effort in this project.
10 April

UofT Planetarium: Following Voyager: A Tour of the Solar System and Beyond

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:00pm, and 9:00pm The Voyager space probes together were the first human-made objects to visit all of the outer planets in our Solar System, and are currently headed into interstellar space. We will retrace their extraordinary journey, and put our place in the universe into perspective. If you have questions please contact