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29 March

Earth Hour

22 April

Earth Day

18 August

Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter

Venus and Jupiter are close to one another. Easily viewable without a telescop from the city.
7 June

Conjunction of the Moon and Mars

Both Mars and the Moon are in the constellation Virgo. Saturn is close by as well. Easily viewed without a telescope, even from the city.
23 September

Autumnal Equinox

The earth's axis is perpendicular to its orbit with the North pole tipping away form the sun. In other words, the season is changing to Fall.
29 April

Annular solar eclipse

3 November

Hybrid Solar Eclipse

This rare occurance will begin on the east coast of the United States and move east across the Atlantic towards central Africa. Depending on where you are in the eclipse's path, it will appear as a total or annular eclipse.
20 October

Orionids Meteor Shower

Look to the east after midnight from a dark location and you should be able to catch up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. The shower is typically irregular, so if you want a good show it could happen any morning between Octover 20-24. The moon will be bright this time of year, so only the brightest meteors will be visible.
18 October

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Visible throughout most of the world, the moon will pass into the Earth's penumbra. The Moon's surface will darken noticably as this occurs.
3 October

Uranus at Opposition

Uranus will be at its closest approach to the Earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best chance to view or photograph the blue-green planet, though you'll need a powerful scope to resolve the finer details.