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26 January
30 March

Earth Hour
6 April

North-East Astronomy Forum
11 May

International Astronomy Day
12 January

Solar System Social: Space Fiction Costume Party and Science Talks

Solar System Social is a space-themed speaker series that brings exciting ideas and research from the field of planetary science to the general public.
19 March

Albert Campbell Library: Being an Astronaut Candidate

Ele Willoughby, PhD, talks about her experience of being part of the Canadian Space Agency's Astronaut Recruitment Program. She will share what happens before an astronaut is selected and will discuss the exciting upcoming space missions.
8 December
14 December

UofT Planetarium: Grand Tour of the Cosmos

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:10pm, 9:15pm
1 December
6 December

UofT AstroTour: The Curious Case of Cold Giant Planets

Cold gas giant planets with long orbital periods make up half of the planets in our Solar System, yet we have observed only a handful of similar exoplanets around other stars. Is this due to the limitations set by our observation methods, or are cold giants truly rare in nature? In this talk, Miranda Herman  will explore the difficulties associated with finding such exoplanets, describe her efforts to increase the number of known cold giants, and discuss how they can inform us about the population of exoplanets as a whole.