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28 July

OSC: Rover Exploration Challenge

Embark on an expedition to determine whether a planet could support human life. Experience what it is like to be a space scientist or engineer and remotely operate an analogue rover in this simulated mission. Form a team of planetary scientists led by researchers from the Planetary Volatiles Laboratory at York University. Explore your mystery planet using instruments, like anemometers and Geiger counters, similar to those used on rover missions to Mars. Recommended ages: 8 and up
30 July

York University Observatory: Mars Extravaganza 2018

Come join the Allan I. Carswell team at York University to view Mars at opposition. Mars will appear brighter then it has been for 15 years and will not be this bright again until 2035! Starting at 9:00pm weeknights from July 25th to August 1st, we will be at the William Small Centre (top of the Arboretum) at York University's Keele Campus. Admission is free, and we will have multiple telescopes available for viewing! Hope to see you all there!
1 August

High Park at Night: Urban Bat Walk & Summer Star Party

Let's explore High Park's amazing and mysterious bat populations and the astronomical wonders above us with the help of our new telescope!
2 August

UofT AstroTour: Discovering new galaxies through the eyes of a Dragonfly

When we observe the universe we see light from stars, gas and galaxies, but this makes up merely 4% of the universe. We think that a much larger fraction of the universe is made up of “dark matter,” which is invisible and only interacts through gravity. Dark matter is critical to how all the galaxies we see evolve, but the nature of dark matter is still a mystery. This talk tells the story of how the Dragonfly Telephoto Array, a compound-lens telescope with a revolutionary design that enables it to image faint, diffuse structures, is attempting to understand dark matter.
3 August

McMaster: Science on Tap Hamilton

Join scientists from McMaster University’s Physics and Astronomy Department for an entertaining night filled with scientific discussion, trivia, and beer. At Science on Tap, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with researchers in various scientific fields as they present some of science’s most intriguing phenomena. There will be plenty of time to ask questions while the scientists are on stage, or afterwards over cold pints. Come try this educational twist on a night out at the pub. Admission is FREE! Doors open at 7pm, event starts at 8pm.
3 February

Ghostly Messengers - with Dr Ray Jayawardhana

A leading astrophysicist explains the pervasive, invisible particles key to understanding our cosmos. Every second of day and night, many trillions of neutrinos pass through your body.
9 February

RCI Joint Lecture: The Chelyabinsk Airburst Decoded: Impact Hazards

The impact hazard from small asteroids is uncertain because of many poorly understood factors. These include how asteroids vaporize in the atmosphere together with the associated impact effects at the ground. The Chelyabinsk event gave scientists their first detailed instrumental data on a well observed, damage producing airburst. I will describe what we have learned about the Chelyabinsk airburst in the year since it occurred and what it may tell us about future impacts onto the Earth.
7 August

hEr VOLUTION: #STEMCamp: All Things Space (WAITLIST)

STEM Camp will introduce children to the basics of astronomy, geology, geography, and engineering. In order to encourage and open up opportunities for young children in STEM careers, hEr VOLUTION is partnering with BeSpatial Consulting and Tetra Ryerson to deliver a camp focusing on space.
8 August

Brentwood Library: Revealing The Invisible Universe With Radio Telescopes

For thousands of years, people have gazed up at the sky without realizing its hidden secrets: that most of the stuff out in space cannot be seen with our eyes! It is only in the last 100 years or so, with the use of new instruments like radio telescopes, we have begun to reveal this invisible universe. Dr. Jennifer West will discuss some of the things that we hope to learn and also the challenges and possible new technologies that come with it. Drop-in program. First come, first seated.