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21 July

Millennium Square Stargazing Night (NO GO for Saturday)

Everyone is invited to join us and Durham Skies on July 21 for stargazing at the edge of Lake Ontario. Take a free look through different kinds of telescopes (including solar-filtered scopes) to get close-up looks at sunspots, craters on the Moon, brilliant Venus, rosy Mars, giant Jupiter, and Saturn with its rings. Peer deep into space and try your hand at spotting faint star clusters and nebulae. You can even bring your own telescope along and we'll give you expert advice on how to use it better.
21 July

Propeller Gallery: Out Of This World - Artist Talks and Star Party in Lisgar Park

Join us in the gallery at 7:00pm for informal talks by artists about their work. Follow us outside to Lisgar Park across the street when it gets dark - where members of the RASC and York University will set up telescopes.
25 July

RASC Mississauga: Astronomy Night at the Riverwood Conservancy

Explore the universe with members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Telescopes will be set up to give you amazing views of the Moon, the planets and more! Meet at the Chappell House Lawn.
25 July

York University Observatory: Mars Extravaganza 2018

Come join the Allan I. Carswell team at York University to view Mars at opposition. Mars will appear brighter then it has been for 15 years and will not be this bright again until 2035! Starting at 9:00pm weeknights from July 25th to August 1st, we will be at the William Small Centre (top of the Arboretum) at York University's Keele Campus. Admission is free, and we will have multiple telescopes available for viewing! Hope to see you all there!
30 July

York University Observatory: Mars Extravaganza 2018

Come join the Allan I. Carswell team at York University to view Mars at opposition. Mars will appear brighter then it has been for 15 years and will not be this bright again until 2035! Starting at 9:00pm weeknights from July 25th to August 1st, we will be at the William Small Centre (top of the Arboretum) at York University's Keele Campus. Admission is free, and we will have multiple telescopes available for viewing! Hope to see you all there!
1 August

High Park at Night: Urban Bat Walk & Summer Star Party

Let's explore High Park's amazing and mysterious bat populations and the astronomical wonders above us with the help of our new telescope!
6 August

Dark Sky Star Party (NO GO)

See the milky way and galaxies with the unaided eye. Point your telescope to find the many dim deep space objects that sprinkle the sky. Away from Toronto's light polution, there is so much to see. We observe from the Long Sault Conservation area, an hour outside of Toronto. We meet around dusk once a month in the parking lot for views only seen in dark sky conditions. We hold this event on the first clear night of our week-long window, so the date and time are determined closer to.
18 August

DDO Family Night (WAITLIST)

This weekend tour introduces families to the wonders of astronomy through an indoor planetarium experience, craft activities for younger visitors and stargazing. Visitors will spend time in both the main building and observatory visiting the 1.88m (74") telescope, learning its history and getting to see celestial objects firsthand (weather permitting).
21 August
25 August

DDO Speaker Night (WAITLIST)

This weekend program provides visitors with an opportunity to listen to an astronomy talk and enjoy stargazing. Visitors will spend time in both the main building and observatory visiting the 1.88m (74") telescope, learning its history and getting to see celestial objects firsthand (weather permitting).