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24 March

Hamilton Amateur Astronomers: Public Stargazing Night

Join the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers between 7:30 and 11:00pm on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at the Niagara Gateway Tourism Centre located just off Casablanca in Grimsby.
15 March

Dark Sky Star Party (GO for Thursday)

See the milky way and galaxies with the unaided eye. Point your telescope to find the many dim deep space objects that sprinkle the sky. Away from Toronto's light polution, there is so much to see. We observe from the Long Sault Conservation area, an hour outside of Toronto. We meet around dusk once a month in the parking lot for views only seen in dark sky conditions. We hold this event on the first clear night of our week-long window, so the date and time are determined closer to.
15 April

David Hamilton's Solar System Social Fest

Solar System Social is a space-themed speaker series that brings exciting ideas and research from the field of planetary science to the general public in the form of short, informative, and interesting talks that last about 20 minutes each.
24 March

UofT AstroTour: Special Earth Hour Event – Where Captain Nemo Got it Right, and Wrong – Life in the Deep Earth

Speaker: Prof. Barbara Sherwood Lollar From Jules Verne’s Captain Nemo, to Astronaut Mark Watney stranded on Mars, we remain fascinated by the theme of Exploration. Fact can be stranger than fiction however as we discover that even here on Earth, there are parts of the planet we have only begun to probe for new habitable domains and microbial ecosystems.
17 September

Science Literacy Week 2018

Science Literacy Week is a week-long celebration of science in Canada. This year will be space-themed and include Run the Solar System.
7 March

Speaker's Night: Gravitational Waves: The Sirens of the Universe

Watch the recorded video:
24 April

RASC Mississauga: Astronomy Night at the Riverwood Conservancy

Explore the universe with members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Telescopes will be set up to provide amazing views of the Moon, the planets and more! Meet at the Chappell House Lawn.
9 March

Hamilton Amateur Astronomers: Astronomy 101 and your Guide to Note-taking

Following up Jim Wamsley’s introduction to telescopes in Part 1, John Gauvreau now guides you through what a beginner can expect from their very first views through that scope.
7 March

Perimeter Institute: The Weirdest Stars in the Universe: Emily Levesque Public Lecture

How big can a star get? Why would a star only pretend to explode? Can you hide one star inside another?
21 February

Recreational Astronomy Night

Watch the recorded video: