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17 August

Dark Sky Star Party (first clear night: Monday, Tuesday or Thursday) (CANCELLED)

See the Milky Way and galaxies with the unaided eye. Point your telescope to find the many dim deep space objects that sprinkle the sky. Away from Toronto's light polution, there is so much to see. We observe from the Long Sault Conservation area, an hour outside of Toronto. We meet around dusk once a month in the parking lot for views only seen in dark sky conditions. We hold this event on the first clear night of our week-long window. Check our homepage for GO/NO-GO calls as this event is weather dependent.
15 August

Ontario Science Centre/RASC, Toronto Centre: Virtual Star Party (ONLINE)

Watch the recorded video:
12 August

ASX Star Talk: How to Measure the Universe's Oldest Light and What it Tells Us (ONLINE)

It may surprise you to know that we can still observe the Big Bang, in a way! In fact, every time you accidentally flip to TV static, you're watching a fragment of it right there! To find out more about this echo of the spawning of the universe, join us online on Wednesday, August 12 at 6:30pm. From that first, immense explosion to now, Dr. Adam Hincks will be delving into the details of the cosmic microwave background radiation! As always, everyone is welcome!
11 August

Dunlap Institute: Cosmos From Your Couch - Misconceptions about the Universe: From Everyday Life to the Big Bang (ONLINE)

Misconceptions are deeply-held beliefs which are incorrect. People have misconceptions about the most basic of astronomical topics, such as the cause of the seasons.
11 August

RASC National Society: The Insider's Guide to the Galaxy - A Virtual Tour of the Southern Hemisphere (ONLINE)

The skies down under (and in South America and Africa) host amazing sights not visible from Canada. We'll use Stellarium to travel to the Southern Hemisphere and see the sights.
8 August

DDO Astronomy Night: Einstein's Great Prediction: The Discovery of Gravitational Waves with Dr. Rupinder Brar (ONLINE)

Just over one hundred years ago Albert Einstein revealed the Theory of General Relativity and one of its predictions, the existence of gravitational waves. It took astronomers 100 years to first observe these mysterious waves, confirming Einstein’s theory. Now that they have, it has opened up an entirely new way to see the Universe, including objects that had not been seen before, like black holes.
8 August

Solar Observing (CANCELLED)

Join us at the Ontario Science Centre for our monthly Solar Observing on the TELUSCAPE.
6 August

RASC National Society: Explore the Universe - Perseids and Deep Sky Objects (ONLINE)

It's the Perseids Meteor Shower! This week we will be passing through a cloud of dust left behind by comet Swift-Tuttle, which means we'll have the chance to see shooting stars.
5 August

Western University: Space Educators Institute 2020 Virtual Conference (ONLINE)

The Space Educators Institute is 3-day conference focused on providing training in space-themed resources for formal and informal educators from across Canada.
4 August

Dunlap Institute: Cosmos From Your Couch - What Dark Matter Isn’t (ONLINE)

Eighty-five percent of the matter in our universe is made up of a mysterious invisible substance scientists call “dark matter.”
30 July

RASC Speaker Series: The Canadian Comet Sleuth, with David Levy (ONLINE)

Comet NEOWISE has been the sensation of our July skies, the first naked-eye comet for the Northern Hemisphere in ages. David Levy knows all about comets that snag the spotlight. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which broke apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, garnered the “Canadian comet sleuth” media attention around the world, including the headline on the very first cover of SkyNews 25 years ago.
28 July

Dunlap Institute: Cosmos From Your Couch - Ask Us Anything! (ONLINE)

Do you have a question for one of our astronomers? Our expert team will be live on Tuesday, July 28th at 7pm EDT for a “Cosmos From Your Couch” – Q and A edition! Submit a question for us at and then stay tuned to see it answered live on YouTube!