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3 June

June Dark Sky Star Party

Want to learn to image? Want to see galaxies and the milky way naked eye? Want to do it less than an hour from Toronto? Then join us for our monthly Dark Sky Star Party at the Long Sault Conservation area. We meet around dusk once a month in the parking lot for views only seen in dark sky conditions. Check our homepage for Go/ No-Go calls as this event is weather dependant. We hold this event on the first clear night of our week-long window, so the date and time are determined closer to.
1 June

Carr Observatory Open House and Awards Picnic

Carr Observatory Open House and Awards Picnic. Who can attend: membersFee: freeYou can make a reservation here Location:  E.C. Carr Astronomical Observatory (CAO)
30 May

New Members orientation program – First Light (3/3)

Topic: Logging and Sketching your observationsLocation: David Dunlap ObservatoryMore information on this Spring's program.
28 May

Conjunction of Venus & Jupiter

In the evening sky, Jupiter and Venus will be within 1 degree of each other. Look west near sunset for the sight, and see if you can spot Mercury lurking nearby.
25 May

Public Family Nights

Family Nights are a great introduction to the night sky for our younger guests. Look through telescopes, visit the Skylab and find out what's really up there!  Family Nights require tickets to be purchased in advance. This program runs regardless of sky or weather conditions. If skies are clear you can check out the night sky through a variety of telescopes including the biggest optical telescope in Canada! The evening also includes a presentation in our new Skylab that offers great (virtual) night sky viewing.
25 May

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

The first eclipse of 2013 visible in North America- at least most of it. The moon will pass through the Earth's penumbra, causing subtle darkening on the Moon's surface.
23 May

New Members orientation program – First Light (2/3)

Topic: AstrophotographyLocation: David Dunlap ObservatoryMore information on this Spring's program.
22 May

Speaker's Night: Stellar Evolution

Stars are born in firey explosions of light, and they die in much the same way. But what happens in the time between? PhD candidate Rachel Ward-Maxwell of McMaster University joins us to talk about how stars evolve. Who can attend: everyone including non-membersFee: free, free parking after 6pmReservation not needed Location: Ontario Science Centre (Imperial Oil Auditorium)
18 May

Members Nights at the DDO - Photoshop Basics

One of the benefits of membership in the RASC Toronto Centre is access to specially arranged Members Nights at the David Dunlap Observatory in Richmond Hill. These were launched in January 2012 as a once monthly Saturday evening whether skies were clear or cloudy. Each event had a pre-announced theme. We gathered for pizza, participated in a seminar on the theme for the evening, and did some observing and imaging.
16 May

New Members orientation program – First Light (1/3)

Topics: Orientation to RASC Toronto Centre activities, facilities and all perks and “Astronomy on a budget”Location: David Dunlap ObservatoryMore information on this Spring's program.
13 May

May City Star Party

Want to see the rings of Saturn? What about bright nebulae or galaxies? Our monthly City Star Party is the perfect place to catch the views within the city. Looking to buy a new scope? Come check out other people's equipment, or bring your own if you're unsure how to use it. We meet once a month during the week of the full moon, at Bayview Village park. It's a short bus ride north of Bayview station. Check our homepage for Go/ No-Go calls as this event is weather dependant.
11 May

Science Rendezvous Day at University of Toronto
