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22 October

UofT Physics: Cracking the Giant's Causeway with a Tabletop Experiment

Stephen Morris, J. Tuzo Wilson Professor of Geophysics, University of Toronto 2014 J. Tuzo Wilson Lecture
22 October

Orionids Meteors

20 October

Dark Sky Star Party

See the milky way and galaxies with the unaided eye. Point your telescope to find the many dim deep space objects that sprinkle the sky. Away from Toronto's light pollution, there is so much to see. We observe from the Long Sault Conservation area, an hour outside of Toronto. We meet around dusk once a month in the parking lot for views only seen in dark sky conditions. We hold this event on the first clear night of our week-long window, so the date and time are determined closer to.
18 October

DDO Star Talk: Life in the Cosmos (SOLD OUT)

Speaker: Dr. Michael Reid, Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto. For thousands of years, people have wondered whether, in the vastness of the cosmos, life exists anywhere other than on Earth. With the recent discoveries of hundreds of potentially habitable planets orbiting stars other than our Sun, we are tantalizingly close to answering this question. Star Talk nights offer great talks by great speakers on astronomy, space science and sometimes, science fiction.
18 October

Mississauga Central Library: Science Fiction Spectacular!

In honour of Robert J. Sawyer's receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Aurora Award from the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, the Mississauga Public Library is pleased to present a FREE one-day science-fiction festival. Rob asked the Mississauga Public Library to get his "dream team" to join him at this event, and they did. Speaking and reading will be:
18 October

Solar Observing (NO GO)

Join us at the Ontario Science Centre for our monthly Solar Observing on the TelusScape observing pad. This is the area in front of the Science Centre's entrance. We use specialized telescopes that are safe to aim at the Sun. Check our home page on the Friday prior for go/no-go calls as this event is weather dependent.
16 October

Runnymede Library: Bob McDonald - Canadian Spacewalkers

Join the Toronto Public Library for the launch of Bob McDonald's exciting new book! The host of CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks makes his living explaining science to the rest of us. This time out, he delves into the mysteries and uniqueness of the spacewalking experience. Canadian Spacewalkers: Hadfield, MacLean and Williams Remember the Ultimate High Adventure Program RoomRunnymede Library2178 Bloor Street WestToronto
16 October

Action Potential Lab: Cosmos & Cocktails: Celestial Luminescence (SOLD OUT)

Robin Kingsburgh Modern telescopes reveal the ethereal glow of distant celestial objects, invoking a sense of awe and wonder. Glowing nebulae around stars display magnificent structures and colours. Closer to home, within our own atmosphere, similar forms and colours are seen the dance of the aurora or northern lights. We will examine the physics behind the colour and light from distant nebulae around both young and dying stars, as well as the glorious colour of the aurorae, our nearest celestial lightshows.
15 October

Toronto Reference Library: Bob McDonald - Canadian Spacewalkers

Join the Toronto Public Library for the launch of Bob McDonald's exciting new book! The host of CBC Radio's Quirks and Quarks makes his living explaining science to the rest of us. This time out, he delves into the mysteries and uniqueness of the spacewalking experience. Canadian Spacewalkers: Hadfield, MacLean and Williams Remember the Ultimate High Adventure Interview by Alanna Mitchell. AtriumToronto Reference Library789 Yonge StreetToronto
14 October

Globe at Night

Measuring light pollution of your sky, See:
10 October

DDO Family Night (SOLD OUT)

Family Nights are a great introduction to the night sky for our younger guests. Look through telescopes, make some space crafts, visit the Skylab and find out what's really up there!  Family Nights require tickets to be purchased in advance. This program runs regardless of sky or weather conditions. If skies are clear you can check out the night sky through a variety of telescopes including the biggest optical telescope in Canada! The evening also includes a presentation in our new Skylab that offers great (virtual) night sky viewing.
9 October

Steeles Library: The Amazing Universe

Dr. John Percy, U of T Professor Emeritus, Astronomy and Astrophysics Alien worlds, extraterrestrial life, the birth and death of stars, cosmic catastrophes, black holes, dark matter and dark energy: the real universe is more amazing than anything found in science fiction! Multipurpose RoomSteeles LibraryBamburgh Gardens Shopping Plaza C107-375 Bamburgh CircleToronto