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26 April

Recreational Astronomy Night

Video of the talks Join us for our monthly recreational astronomy night meeting. This is where our members get to show their latest projects, or give tutorials and tips on just about everything to do with Astronomy. Talks start at 7:30, socializing starts at 7:00.
26 April

New Moon - 8:16am EDT

The moon is between us and the sun. Without the moon in the sky at night, deep sky objects are easier to observe.
24 April

Dark Sky Star Party (GO for Monday)

See the milky way and galaxies with the unaided eye. Point your telescope to find the many dim deep space objects that sprinkle the sky. Away from Toronto's light polution, there is so much to see. We observe from the Long Sault Conservation area, an hour outside of Toronto. We meet around dusk once a month in the parking lot for views only seen in dark sky conditions. We hold this event on the first clear night of our week-long window, so the date and time are determined closer to.
24 April

Hamilton Amateur Astronomers: Gaze at the Stars

Join John Gauvreau of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers as he takes us on a virtual tour of the universe.
24 April

Astronomy Week Solar Observing

Join us this week if skies are clear!
22 April

March for Science Toronto 2017

See the website or Facebook page for more details
22 April

Lyrid Meteors

The April Lyrids are a meteor shower lasting from April 16 to April 26 each year. The radiant of the meteor shower is located in the constellation Lyra, near this constellation's brightest star, Alpha Lyrae (proper name Vega). Their peak is typically around April 22 each year. - Wikipedia
22 April

Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year. - Wikipedia
21 April

RASC Mississauga: Observing and photographing the August total solar eclipse

Speakers: Randy Attwood, Mississauga Centre Honourary President; Michael Watson, Toronto Centre The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 presents an opportunity for many amateurs to observer their first total solar eclipse. These are rare events and may be overwhelming for the novice TSE observer. The presenters have seen several dozen eclipses and will share their experiences with advice to those planning to travel to the centre line.
21 April

UofT Planetarium: Voyager’s Odyssey: A Small Probe’s Adventures into Interstellar Space

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:00pm, and 9:00pm In 1977 two small probes, Voyager 1 and 2, were launched from Earth with a mission to study the outer solar system. Both spacecraft visited Jupiter and Saturn, and Voyager 2 passed by Uranus and Neptune, returning images to Earth which allowed us to make surprising discoveries about these distant planets. Now these probes are entering interstellar space, making them the furthest man-made objects from the Earth!
15 April
13 April

The Planetary Society/STEAMLabs: Yuri's Night

The day after the anniversary of the first human in space (often called Yuri’s Night after the Russian who accomplished the feat) you might be suffering from a bit of space withdrawal sickness. Have no fear – The Planetary Society and STEAMLabs are teaming up to give you another dose of space by putting you at the controls!