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23 August

Saskatchewan Summer Star Party

Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park
21 August

Fields Institute: Adventures in the 7th Dimension

In 7 dimensions there exist special shapes that may help us unlock the mysteries of the universe. Looking for this unique geometry is challenging, but nature holds a possible solution (specifically, bubbles and thermodynamics). In this talk, Jason Lotay (University College London) will take us on a mathematical journey across multiple dimensions, exploring their role in art, science and popular culture. Poster
21 August

McMaster Space Initiative: Eclipse Viewing Party

On August 21st, the moon will cross the Sun's path providing us with a glorious view of a partial solar eclipse right here in Hamilton. Join MSI at the Alpine Tower Field for the solar event from 1-4pm with the peak of the solar eclipse occuring at 2:31pm. **Solar Eclipse viewing glasses will be provided at a first come, first served basis. Please be aware that looking directly at the sun without protection can be damaging to the eyes.
21 August

York Region Astronomy: Solar Eclipse

Come see the partial solar eclipse with us at the Richmond Hill Library. This is a weather dependent event, so we hope for clear skies! We will have plenty of eclipse glasses on hand for your viewing safety, as well as video feed to watch it on monitors under the comfort of shade.
21 August

York University: Solar Fair

On August 21, 2017, join York University for SOLAR FAIR – an exciting celestial event where faculty, students, staff and community members will have a chance to live view the solar eclipse and the path of totality on a big screen.
21 August

RASC Mississauga: Partial Solar Eclipse at Riverwood

On Monday August 21, a total solar eclipse will be visible in the United States. In Mississauga, the eclipse will be partial. Members of the Mississauga Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada will have telescopes set up at The Riverwood Conservancy to observe the eclipse. Properly filtered telescopes will be set up and pointed at the Sun. Hand held solar viewers will be handed out as well as information sheets.
21 August

Hamilton Amateur Astronomers: View the 2017 Solar Eclipse

On Monday August 21, 2017 a partial solar eclipse will be visible from Hamilton and surrounding areas. This is a wonderful opportunity to see a rare and spectacular natural event. The eclipse will last over 2½ hours, changing in appearance throughout that time, with the greatest amount of the Sun being eclipsed at 2:31 pm. At that time about 76% of the Sun will be blocked.
21 August

Vaughan Public Libraries: Astronomical Event of the Decade

Join us as we celebrate the biggest cosmic event of the year, a solar eclipse! We will be safely observing from the patio of the Civic Centre Resource Library.
21 August

UofT: Solar Eclipse at the CNE

Join us on August 21 at the Canadian National Exhibition to view a partial solar eclipse. Get a free pair of eclipse glasses to let you view the eclipse safely and see the Sun through our solar telescopes. Meet University of Toronto astronomers to learn about the eclipse and to get all your burning astronomy questions answered. See live streams of the eclipse from regions of totality and compete for prizes!
21 August

OSC: Solar Eclipse Party

Join us at the Ontario Science Centre to safely observe the partial solar eclipse visible over Toronto.
21 August

Total solar eclipse

As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse is a type of eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks ("occults") the Sun. This can happen only at new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth in an alignment referred to as syzygy. In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. - Wikipedia
21 August

New Moon - 2:30pm EDT

The moon is between us and the sun. Without the moon in the sky at night, deep sky objects are easier to observe.