RASCTO Speaker's Night: The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope: a Journey through Space and Time [Online Only]
Speaker: Dr. Nadine Manset, Director of Science Operations - CFHT
Title: The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope: a Journey through Space and Time
Abstract: The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) celebrated its 45th anniversary in late 2024.
Located on Hawai‘i Island near the 4,200-meter summit of Maunakea, the CFHT hosts a world-class, 3.6-meter optical and infrared telescope, one of the most scientifically productive 4-meter-class optical telescopes in the world.
Guided by a vibrant user community and over 45 years of experience that include pioneering instruments, robust data processing plans, and highly efficient queued service observing mode, CFHT aims to serve the widest possible community, from individual Principal Investigators to international collaborations. Synergies with other ground- and space-based telescopes make CFHT an important player in astronomy.
This will be a brief story of CFHT weaved through the web of space and time.
Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: Free
Registration: Not required
Organized by: RASC, Toronto Centre and York University
Link: https://www.youtube.com/rasctoronto/live