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RASCTO Speaker's Night: Galactic Archaeology: Exploring the Galaxy's History with Chemical Abundances [Online Only]

Speaker: Cassia Bond, Physics MSc. Candidate, York University

Abstract: The study of galactic archaeology aims to disentangle the complex formation history of the Milky Way. Similar to how terrestrial archaeologists study the structure, location, age, and chemical composition of artifacts on Earth to learn about bygone eras; galactic archaeologists use similar context clues to unravel the galaxy’s storied past. In place of excavated relics, structures embedded into the Milky Way such as globular clusters and stellar streams are analyzed to trace their history back in time. This talk will cover the basics of galactic archaeology: what kinds of tools astronomers can use, and what the chemical properties of these stellar fossils can tell us. 

Who can attend: Everyone

Fee: Free

Registration: Not required

Organized by: RASC, Toronto Centre and York University

