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RASCTO Speaker's Night: Overview of Findings at Tall el-Hammam, Jordan [Online Only]

Speaker: Dr. Chris Matthew, Western Sydney University, Australia

Abstract: Since 2006, investigations have been underway at the site of Tall el-Hammam in western Jordan. What began as an archaeological examination of the site soon evolved into a multi-disciplinary project utilising the expertise of historians, chemists, geologists, planetary scientists, physicists, astrophysicists, and astronomers from around the world. The reason for the expansion of this investigation was that the archaeological excavation at the site revealed signs of destruction on a cataclysmic scale. Investigations at nearby sites revealed similar evidence for a huge destructive event – the cause of which was, at first, difficult to determine. This presentation will provide an overview of the findings at Tall el-Hammam and discuss the evidence that the destruction of the site and surrounding area was the result of a celestial event that became one of the best-known catastrophes in human history.

Who can attend: Everyone

Fee: Free

Registration: Not required

Organized by: RASC, Toronto Centre and York University

