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Speaker's Night: An Astrophysical Mystery: Galaxy Quenching at High Redshifts [OnlIne]

Photo Credit: York University

Speaker: Ms Maheen Hemani, York University Undergraduate

Abstract:  One of the significant mysteries in the field of extragalactic astrophysics is the observed existence of quenched galaxies at high redshifts. These galaxies present signs of halted star formation in the earlier epochs. It is important to know how abundant these galaxies are and the possible causes of their quenching to better understand galaxy formation.

In this talk, I will go over what makes this observation a mystery and what different cosmological simulations tell us about it. I will also touch on the work I have done in this area with the Thesan simulation based on the Lambda-CDM model of cosmology.

Who can attend: Everyone

Fee: Free

Registration: Not required

Organized by: RASC, Toronto Centre and York University

