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The books and periodicals that make up the F.L. Troyer Library collection have been mostly donated by members like you. Unfortunately, we cannot accept every publication offered to us due to space limitations. On that note, these are the F.L. Troyer Library donation guidelines.

A book will only be accepted if it is an astronomy-related book in good condition, and meets at least one of the following guidelines:

  • The book has been published in the last ten years
  • The book is written by a noteworthy author. The definition of noteworthy will be decided by the library committee
  • The book helps to complete an existing incomplete set (i.e. the book is Vol. 2, and the library owns Vols. 1 & 3)

Paper back issues of periodicals are restricted to the following titles and ranges

  • Astronomy 1973-present
  • Journal of the AAVSO 1972-present
  • Journal of the RASC 1933-present
  • Observers Handbook 1933-present
  • Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 1827-present
  • Sky & Telescope 1956-present
  • SkyNews 1995-present

No duplicate issues will be accepted. An exception will be made if a periodical has five or more issues missing in a specific year, in which case the donation of that entire year of the publication will be accepted. Large donations (i.e. several years worth) of one or more of the above periodicals outside the specified range, or of other astronomical periodicals will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Non-astronomical periodicals (i.e. Time, National Geographic) with astronomical content will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Digital copies of periodicals are welcome.

Other material
Other materials, for example Star Charts, photos, and memorabilia will be taken in on a case-by-case basis. Historical artifacts should preferably have some connection to the RASC, Toronto Centre.