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Commemoration of Life for Blake Nancarrow at the CAO

The Nancarrow Family extends an invitation to friends of Blake Nancarrow to a celebration of his life on Saturday, June 1 at the E.C. Carr Astronomical Observatory (CAO). The event will start at 2:00 p.m. and continue through to 10:00 p.m., or later.

We will share stories, laughter, tears as we remember Blake. As Blake loved the rocket launches at the awards picnics, we will be launching some rockets, weather permitting. The event will be recorded, (possibly live streamed), for those who are unable to attend in person.

After we will share a potluck BBQ dinner so please bring your choice of food to bbq for yourself and a salad and or dessert to share with the table. We will have solar viewing during the day and will view the night skies later in the evening.

Please register your attendance and the number in your group through the Eventbrite link below; you will not need to register on our online CAO booking system for this event and there is no charge to attend. There is a limit of 120 spaces to attend in person.

Remember to bring a hat, sunscreen, bug spray, a lawn chair, refillable water bottle and your food and beverage of choice. We would appreciate our members’ help in showing the skies through their telescope to others in attendance so please bring your scopes.

There is a rain date of Saturday, June 8. If needed, an update will be posted here the day before.

There is a link on the registration page to contact the organizer if you have any questions.

Who can attend: Everyone who wishes to share in remembering Blake

Fee: None

Registration Link: Eventbrite

Organized by: A private event organized by the Nancarrow Family and RASC, Toronto Centre
