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23 July

RASC National Society: Explore the Universe - Summer Triangle (ONLINE)

This week we're looking for the constellations that make up the Summer Triangle, an easy-to-find asterism in our night sky. We'll also look at a few more objects on the Moon, and if you're feeling adventurous you can try to spot Jupiter and Saturn right next to the Moon too.
28 July

RASC National Society: The Insider's Guide to the Galaxy - Constellation Deep Dive (ONLINE)

We're diving into some more constellations this week! We'll go over Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila, the three constellations that contain the bright stars in the Summer Triangle, and some of the cool objects you can find in those constellations!
28 July

Dunlap Institute: Cosmos From Your Couch - Ask Us Anything! (ONLINE)

Do you have a question for one of our astronomers? Our expert team will be live on Tuesday, July 28th at 7pm EDT for a “Cosmos From Your Couch” – Q and A edition! Submit a question for us at and then stay tuned to see it answered live on YouTube!
6 August

RASC National Society: Explore the Universe - Perseids and Deep Sky Objects (ONLINE)

It's the Perseids Meteor Shower! This week we will be passing through a cloud of dust left behind by comet Swift-Tuttle, which means we'll have the chance to see shooting stars.
11 August

RASC National Society: The Insider's Guide to the Galaxy - A Virtual Tour of the Southern Hemisphere (ONLINE)

The skies down under (and in South America and Africa) host amazing sights not visible from Canada. We'll use Stellarium to travel to the Southern Hemisphere and see the sights.
11 August

Dunlap Institute: Cosmos From Your Couch - Misconceptions about the Universe: From Everyday Life to the Big Bang (ONLINE)

Misconceptions are deeply-held beliefs which are incorrect. People have misconceptions about the most basic of astronomical topics, such as the cause of the seasons.
12 August

ASX Star Talk: How to Measure the Universe's Oldest Light and What it Tells Us (ONLINE)

It may surprise you to know that we can still observe the Big Bang, in a way! In fact, every time you accidentally flip to TV static, you're watching a fragment of it right there! To find out more about this echo of the spawning of the universe, join us online on Wednesday, August 12 at 6:30pm. From that first, immense explosion to now, Dr. Adam Hincks will be delving into the details of the cosmic microwave background radiation! As always, everyone is welcome!
20 August

RASC National Society: Explore the Universe - Lunar Gems (ONLINE)

This week we are catching the Moon early in its cycle, which means we have the opportunity to spot quite a few craters. We'll be seeking out the diamond ring crater this week!
25 August

RASC National Society: The Insider's Guide to the Galaxy - Summer/Fall Planet Viewing Preview (ONLINE)

Summer 2020 evenings will feature Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and Mars, too! We'll preview how to view those planets, what features on them to look for, and some observing tips.
27 August

Ontario Science Centre: Scenic Science on the Waterfront: Picture a Scientist at Ontario Place

Join us at West Commons at Ontario Place on Thursday, August 27 for an outdoor screening of Picture a Scientist, a compelling documentary. Science is full of brilliant minds and unique perspectives. But what happens when some minds are valued more than others, some voices silenced? Picture a Scientist explores how sexism and racism shape the experiences of women, including women of colour, in science.