Seeing the Perseid Meteor shower from the GTA
During the weekend of 10 and 11 August 2013, earth is moving through an old comet tail; causing a meteor shower called the Perseids. The Perseids are an annual event and one of the best meteor showers we get. You can expect 50 - 100 meteors an hour under dark skies. Even from light polluted Toronto city, it’s possible to see at least a few meteors. There are no Perseids specific RASC Toronto Center activities planned. Some observing tips:
- On Monday, our city observing window opens. We will be going out on the first clear night. If lucky we will be able to see some meteors.
- This weekend, there is the Starfest star party.
- Members will have a great view from our CAO observatory in the Blue Mountains.
Interested in learning more on the Perseids? Here are some more online resources:
- Astronomy magazine on the Perseids
- Sky and Telescope magazine on the Perseids
- Bad Astronomy Blog post on the Perseids
- Wikipedia entry on the Perseids
- American Meteor Society