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27 March

Recreational Astronomy Night

Watch the recorded video:
20 March

Dunlap Institute: Astronomy on Tap T.O. (CANCELLED)

We are sad to announce that, as a precaution to protect against COVID-19, we will be cancelling Astronomy on Tap for March 20. This was not an easy decision to make, but we decided that it was in everyone's best interests to err on the side of safety and caution.   Astronomy on Tap T.O. will, of course, continue this year and in the future - so please continue to check out Event Horizon, our website, and social media for those dates.
20 March

RASC, Mississauga Centre: Apollo 13 - The Flight That Failed (CANCELLED)

Due to the COVID-19 crisis and the suspension of in-person classes at UTM, we have cancelled this meeting. Fifty years ago, the third mission was launched to land two people on the Moon. On the third day of the flight, a problem occurred which cancelled the plans for the lunar landing and instead, started a race to get the astronauts home alive. In this talk, Randy Attwood will detail all the things which had to go right to save the Apollo 13 crew.
12 April
5 April

UofT Planetarium: Grand Tour of the Cosmos

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:10pm, 9:15pm
26 April

UofT Planetarium: The Life and Death of Stars (SOLD OUT)

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:15pm The stars in the night sky seem unchanging and eternal, and have remained the same for the history of human civilization. However, over millions and billions of years, new stars are born, live out their long lives, and eventually die in a blaze of glory. In this show, we will be exploring the lives of stars by visiting stellar nurseries, supernova remnants and much more!
11 April

UofT Planetarium: The Life and Death of Stars (SOLD OUT)

Showtimes: 7:00pm, 8:15pm The stars in the night sky seem unchanging and eternal, and have remained the same for the history of human civilization. However, over millions and billions of years, new stars are born, live out their long lives, and eventually die in a blaze of glory. In this show, we will be exploring the lives of stars by visiting stellar nurseries, supernova remnants and much more!