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6 September

UofT AstroTour: Mission to Pluto - From Napkins to New Horizons

In July 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto, photographing the last unexplored major body in our solar system. Taking over 25 years from its original conception to its phenomenal photographic fly-by, New Horizons upended the space industry. We will explore the story behind the most unlikely expedition into our solar system, the development of the mission from scrap paper to the spacecraft itself.
6 February

Astronomy Public Tour at the University of Toronto: Supernova Extravaganza

A supernova, SN 2014J, has just been discovered in M82, the Cigar Galaxy. This stellar explosion is the first to be visible with a pair of binoculars since 1987, and the nearest thermonuclear (or type Ia) supernova to us since the time of Johannes Kepler. To celebrate, AstroTours will be holding our very first panel discussion, featuring both a series of short talks and an extended Q&A session. Our panel of experts will describe the history, present understanding, and outstanding questions of thermonuclear supernovae, and how SN 2014J can challenge our understanding.
6 March

Astronomy Public Tour at the University of Toronto

A description of the topic, speaker biography, directions, and all other pertinent information can be found at: Graduate student volunteers will then lead us upstairs for the viewing of celestial objects through our two dome telescopes and our two balcony telescopes. 
21 March

2014 Dunlap Prize Lecture: Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson will deliver a free public lecture at 8pm on March 21, 2014, in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto. The talk is being given in conjunction with Dr. Tyson receiving the inaugural Dunlap Prize, and will include an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. The Dunlap Prize is being awarded to Dr. Tyson in recognition of his remarkable efforts to communicate astronomy to the public, an achievement that resonates with the Dunlap Institute’s goal of excellence in astronomy and astrophysics.
18 March

RCI Talk: Weighing the Universe with Gravitational Lensing

Laura Parker, B.Sc., Ph.D., Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University, Hamilton
3 March

RCI talk: Catch Me If You Can: Hunting the Elusive Neutrino

Sampa Bhadra, Ph.D., Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University
20 March

Public Planetarium Show - University of Toronto

Exploring Our Own Backyard: A Voyage Through the Solar System
12 February

Public Planetarium Show - University of Toronto

What and Where are Dark Matter and Dark Energy? Dark matter and dark energy make up about 95% of the contents of the universe.  But what are they?  And where are they?  If they make up so much of the universe, how did we miss them for so long? Image: Gravity of Galaxy Cluster Abell 2218 Creates Giant Lens 
14 January

Public Planetarium Show - University of Toronto

Our Cosmic Address Come visit the planetarium located at 50 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy, Virgo Supercluster, The Universe. We will explore Earth’s place in the universe, starting with our view of the night sky from here in Toronto and culminating in a view of the large-scale structure of the universe. Along the way, we’ll visit some celestial neighbours, both near and far!
24 January

ASX 11th Annual Symposium “Into the Cosmos”

This is the 11th annual symposium organized by ASX. This event aims to educate the public on some aspects of cosmology, and encourage students and the public to get informed and involved in the exciting projects and discoveries in cosmology. In the past, the symposium has featured famous astronauts, numerous top researchers, and leaders in the space industry. Previously, this annual event had attracted more than 600 audience members. ASX is featuring: