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Ryerson: Science Rendezvous 2019

Ryerson’s Science Rendezvous offers hands-on activities and demonstrations in many scientific areas. We have activities for young children, teens and adults. Come on out to the Kerr Hall quad in the heart of Ryerson's campus, and enjoy a day outdoors with science.

Science Rendezvous, now part of NSERC's Science Odyssey, is Canada’s annual celebration of science. This free festival, targeted to all age groups, makes science accessible to thousands of people with a day of engaging, informative and interactive events. Science enthusiasts across the country take their passions to the people to encourage a public understanding of the great impact science and technology have on our lives and our changing world.

Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: Free
Registration: Not required
Organized by: SciXchange at Ryerson University
Location: Ryerson Campus, Kerr Hall quad (enter through 43 Gerrard St E), Toronto
