CANPEAKS: Connect with the Stars (SOLD OUT)
CANPEAKS and local astronomer Tim Claydon from the Durham Region Astronomical Association, welcome you to Connect with the Stars!
This is an event where you'll get to view the stars through a professional telescope, go on a guided hike, and gather together as Tim takes us though the Galaxy with his lightsaber (aka his laser pointer). Hot drinks & light snacks will be provided.*
Please bring the following items:
1. Dress according to the weather. Layers are best. Gloves, hats and scarves are great too. It could be cold.
2. *Bring your thermos or travel mug. We will not be providing disposable cups.
3. Wear hiking boots.
4. Flashlight or headlamp. Phones will be turned off during the event so the flashlight on your phone doesn't count.
5. Wool Blankets. For sitting on by the fire or wrapping around you and your partner. • • • • •
Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: $15-$25
Tickets: Eventbrite
Organized by: CANPEAKS Adventures and the Durham Region Astronomical Association
Location: Glen Major Forest (East Duffins Headwaters), Concession Rd 6, 850m north of Uxbridge Pickering Townline