CAO 2013 Summer Work Party Report
It’s a great combination when we can blend two nights of excellent astronomy with the annual Summer Work Party at the Toronto Centre’s Carr Astronomical Observatory (CAO), and we were served up a heavy dose of both pristine conditions for observing/imaging as well as camaraderie and fun during the July 12 – 14, 2013 weekend up at the Blue Mountains. Throughout three seasons of the year, the grounds and facilities of the CAO are maintained by a small, dedicated crew of volunteers who spend countless hours doing the simple and often mundane tasks that we all do for our own homes and gardens. However, it is during the work parties held three to four times a year at CAO when an expanded group of volunteers trek up to the Toronto Centre’s observatory to make improvements and additions that not only increase the value of our property and asset but create a more enjoyable and rewarding experience for members and guests who visit and use the facility.
The summer work party this year actually started a few days before the July 12 weekend when Gilles and Nicole Gaudet arrived during the week and spent two days completing the drop ceiling for the Orion room and installing pot lights; a big job they had started a few weeks earlier. Ian Wheelband also arrived earlier in the week and mowed the lawn. When the other work party volunteers arrived at the CAO on Friday late afternoon, we could see the Orion Room taking shape from Gilles and Nicole’s efforts and easily visualize the extra three bedrooms (named Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka) transformed out of what was a kitchenette and storage room in the basement. The lawn was also well manicured and the site always appears more welcoming when the grounds are groomed. As usual, Friday nights of the work party weekend are reserved for astronomy. Being just a few days after New Moon and with clear skies above, we filled the observing pad with telescopes as members checked off items on their observing lists and imaged celestial targets. The Geoff Brown Observatory (GBO), Tony Horvatin Observatory (THO) and many of the SkyShed Pods and SkyShed were also humming with activity as we all took advantage of the favourable conditions to soak up some photons from far away. Steve McKinney, who was imaging from the GBO happened to look up and spot the most brilliant fireball (ever!), alerted many of the others nearby who were able to enjoy that unique spectacle.

As is almost tradition at a CAO work party, we awoke Saturday morning to the wonderful smell of coffee, eggs and bacon. Ian Donaldson, our chef for the weekend was up very early preparing the hearty breakfast that would keep us going for the very hot and humid weekend that was already upon us. Soon after breakfast, the crew gathered outside under the pergola where our CAO co-chairs Blake Nancarrow and Tony Horvatin outlined the list of jobs, assigned responsibilities and work teams and we were off.

The single biggest job outside for the weekend was to clean off the pavers and patio plates that comprise the observing pad, GBO walk-out and north door walk-out of the house and fill in all the spaces between the pavers and plates with polymeric sand to prevent the growth of weeds. Other jobs also completed outside include: trees trimmed along the driveway to facilitate lawn mowing and arrest the encroachment over the driveway; a flower bed was created around the new well cap (recently installed); an electrical outlet installed under the pergola to provide AC power at the picnic table; bearings and other moving parts greased on Stargrazer (the riding lawnmower); 1.5 cubic yards of topsoil was brought in and spread around the property to fill potholes, ruts and even out the lawn; and small parts in the garage were organised into plastic totes.
Inside the house, the jobs completed include: electrical outlets were installed and walls painted in the Orion Room; the Wi-Fi network was rehabilitated using a wireless router donated by David Roberts; new vinyl letter was installed on the welcome whiteboard; new signage for the bedrooms was installed; the floor for the mattress pen in the basement was reinforced; three new table fans were assembled, black-out blinds were purchased for the basement windows (awaiting installation); and the door closer on the south screen door was adjusted.
In the GBO, a door closer was installed between the warm room and observing room and the carpet in the observing room was steam cleaned.
Throughout the day we were kept hydrated and as usual, Lora Chow had baked up a storm with almond tarts, banana cake and chiffon cake (with fresh fruit and whipped cream). Dinner on Saturday night consisted of burgers, hot dogs, a variety of salads and lots of desserts. We were tired and stuffed by the time dinner was over. Throughout the weekend with all the people working hard and all the food served, an often missed point is all the dishes that need cleaning after every meal. Fortunately, many of the people there chipped in to help but a special shout-out is warranted for Grace Horvatin and Lora for taking on the lion’s share of that work.
Saturday night was an even better night for astronomy than Friday night, and despite the tired bodies, most of the volunteers couldn’t pass up the chance to grab a few more NGC objects and image more DSOs. Later in the evening, an aurora was spotted in the northern sky and it was a rewarding way to top of a hard day’s work.
Sunday morning arrived with another fabulous breakfast by Ian Donaldson, and the last few jobs were completed before everybody headed for home around noon. However, this summer work party didn’t quite end there, as Elaine and Tony dos Santos went back to CAO a few days later to prepare and paint the floor of the Orion Room. We are fortunate to have dedicated members within the Toronto Centre who are willing to donate time and effort to make sure the CAO remains the best amateur astronomy facility in Canada.
We would like to thank the following volunteers for their untiring help during the summer work party: Thomas Bernard, Lora and Phil Chow, Ian Donaldson, Elaine and Tony dos Santos, Gilles and Nicole Gaudet, Justin Good, Risa Horowitz, Grace and Tony Horvatin, Dietmar Kupke, Tim Lahey, Tom Luton, Steve McKinney, Blake Nancarrow, Niels Walkau, Hanning, Ruoqing, Weida Wang and Lei Xia, and Ian Wheelband.
Additional pictures from the 2013 Summer Work Party can be viewed in the Photos section of our Yahoo! Group at: