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Star Light, Star Bright with Dr Rachel Ward-Maxwell

Video: DDO Astronomy Night: Star Light, Star Bright with Dr Rachel Ward-Maxwell

Submitted by on 11 July 2020

Ever wonder what that bright object is in the night sky? From dying stars to shooting stars, there are many astronomical phenomena which have long inspired curiosity, fear, and awe.  Discover more about these shining celestial bodies, learn how to report your observations to contribute to citizen science, and prepare for the upcoming transient events that are set to light up our skies and spark our imagination.

Dr. Rachel Ward-Maxwell received her doctoral degree in astrophysics from McMaster University in 2015, where she used computer simulations to model the structure of interstellar clouds and formation of Sun-like stars. As the Researcher-Programmer in Astronomy and Space Sciences at the Ontario Science Centre, Rachel develops astronomy program offerings, including planetarium shows, and supports the Research Live! program, an initiative where visitors participate in research studies conducted by visiting scientists. Rachel's experience in education and public outreach also includes time spent over the past 15 years as a science communicator and program developer for a variety of organizations, including Let's Talk Science, Science Rendezvous, and the York University Observatory.