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UofT AstroTour: Earth Hour 2019: Imagining the Earth as an Exoplanet

Astronomers have discovered nearly 4000 planets beyond our Solar System, but for most of these exoplanets our knowledge is limited to their size and how far they orbit from their stars. The next decade of exoplanet astronomy will expand our understanding of these worlds through characterization of their atmospheres and compositions. If any of these planets have life, will astronomers be able to detect it? Before searching for life on other worlds, we must ask ourselves: would we be able to discover life on the Earth if we observed it from afar?

Join us for an exciting panel discussion about observing the Earth as an exoplanet with a group of panelists specializing in astronomy, astrobiology, atmospheric science, and planetary science. After the panel discussion, we will have telescope observing, planetarium shows, and interactive demos.

Panel discussion: 7:00-8:00pm
Telescope observing, planetarium shows, interactive demos: 8:00-10:00pm

Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: Free
Reservations: Not required
Organized by: Graduate Astronomy Students Association. The AstroTours are generously financed by the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics and the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Location: Earth Sciences Centre (5 Bancroft Avenue and 33 Willcocks Street, Room ES1050, University of Toronto)
