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Thornhill Village Star Party (GO)

Pomona Meadow map

If the skies are clear on Thursday evening, September 5, local astronomers will set up their telescopes in Old Thornhill Village. This free event starts at 8:00pm and everyone is welcome to come out for a look at the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, and a variety of deep-sky treasures. The viewing location is Thornhill's very own “dark-sky oasis,” the Pomona Meadow - situated north of the cemetery on Charles Lane, and east of the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. Volodymyr. Park for free at the church and just follow the paved path. The rain or cloud date is Thursday, October 3 at 7:00pm. Dress warmly, and we’ll see you there.

Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: Free
Registration: Not required
Organized by: Jim Laframboise and Chris Vaughan
Location: Pomona Mills Meadow, east of St. Volodymyr's Church, 15 Church Lane, Thornhill (first north on John Street, just east of Yonge Street)
