RCIScience/RASC Lecture: The Dishes, The Desert, and The Dawn of the Universe
Some of the biggest questions about our Universe are as yet unsolved. How did the first stars form? What is the mysterious “dark energy” that is pushing the Universe apart? And are there other planets out their like our own, perhaps harbouring life? To answer these and other key questions, astronomers are about to build the biggest telescope ever conceived, the Square Kilometre Array. Prof. Gaensler will describe this enormous international project, the results it promises to deliver, and the major role being played by Canadian scientists and engineers in this exciting endeavour.
Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: Free
Registration: Not required
Organized by: The Royal Canadian Institute for Science in partnership with the RASC - Toronto Centre
Location: JJR Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 1 King's College Circle, Toronto
Photo credit – Daniel Boud, University of Sydney