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The Big Bang

Dunlap Institute: Cosmos From Your Couch - Misconceptions about the Big Bang (WEBCAST)

Credit: NASA/SVS

Looking for a way to connect with the wider world–or maybe the wider universe during the pandemic? The Dunlap Institute and our partners from across the University of Toronto want to connect with you! Come hear about everything from old cosmic mysteries to the latest research, all from the comfort of your own couch. We’ll be presenting talks online via Zoom and YouTube.

Nearly everyone has heard that the Big Bang was an explosion that created the universe. Starting from a tiny seed called a singularity, the whole universe sprang into being. Or did it? This common description of how the Universe began isn’t entirely wrong, but nor is it entirely right. In this talk, Dr. Michael Reid will show how the well-intentioned ways we describe and illustrate the beginning of the Universe often reinforce misconceptions, and how these misconceptions lead to unnecessary skepticism about the Big Bang theory. We’ll talk about what the theory does say, what it doesn’t say, and how we can imagine it more accurately.

There will be lots of time allowed for questions.

Join us for this livestream on our YouTube page.

Who can attend: Everyone
Fee: Free
Registration: Not required
Organized by: Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto
